
Gospel Presentation

It would be a shame to have you visit our website and not find the gospel among our information. Please allow me a minute to share a life changing message with you. Mankind has one big problem and its not climate change, inflation, corruption in government, or pollution. It's death, there is no cure for death! We may solve all the world's problems but death always remains before us. We may give ourselves to diet and exercise to live longer but we cannot live forever. Death is the enemy we cannot defeat.

Death entered the world though sin when Adam and Eve rebelled against God eating off the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. From this time forward every human has been born a sinner. We don't need to teach our children to misbehave, they naturally do that. By our very nature we do what we should not do, want what we cannot have, say what we shouldn't be said, and have thoughts we wouldn't want anyone to know. Everyone of us does these things and when we fail to do what God has commanded we sin. The punishment for sin is death and this is why we are all facing a date with death and a hearing before God.

Jesus Christ came so we could have victory over death. Jesus came to the earth by being born of a virgin. Since he had no earthly father he didn't have a sin nature like you and I. He was tempted to sin just as you and I are tempted, even more so but he never sinned. Since he was without sin, he did not deserve death. He voluntarily died the death of crucifixion on a cross in our place. He died a death that he did not deserve so we can a have the life that we do not deserve. God punishes sin by death but he also provides a way of forgiveness for our sinful behavior.

Sin brings more than physical death, it brings spiritual death. What happens after we die? We believe that our souls go to one of two locations, Heaven or Hell. Now what is the criteria to enter these two places? To enter Heaven one must believe that Jesus Christ is who the Bible says he is. This causes us to trust in his death for our sins as a sufficient payment to ransom our souls from the curse of sin and death. This faith in Christ is evidenced by our repentance toward God about our sins. Because we have a new life in Christ, we now turn from our life of sin and ask God's forgiveness every time we sin. To enter Hell one simply needs to be an unrepentant sinner. You say "Oh, that seems harsh!" But I would say God sent his own son to the earth to die a most brutal death so that you don't ever have to go to Hell. Yet, you refused to accept the sacrifice of his life on your behave. I believe God is just in punishing those who disregard and even mock his offer of forgiveness.

Friend, God not only sent Jesus to die for us, he also sent his people out with this message of salvation. Christianity has covered the world with this good news of salvation. Many Christians have laid down their lives so that others could simply hear this gospel. For 2000 years the message of Jesus Christ has been told in every language, on every continent, in ever country, to every tribe, and to every race of people. God has invited every person to find forgiveness and everlasting life in Jesus Christ. I have shared it with you and I pray you will seek salvation in Christ by faith and repentance. If we can answer any questions you may have please reach out to us, we would love to hear from you.


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(918) 427-6062

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203 Carson Rd Roland, OK 74954